Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I understand.....

You never realize how strong words can be. Words can be dull, or sharp, they can be sweet, or sour, and depending on who is saying them and who is hearing them, you never really realize what those simple letters strung together can actually do.

Sure, sometimes, we say things in the heat of the moment, we're going on our "feelings" without taking into consideration the "feelings" we are altering in the person who is the target of our verbal onslaught.

"DON'T SHOOT THE MESSENGER", something we have all said, or heard, right?

Sometimes it might not even be that bad, what was said, but it can accumulate over time, it can leave an impression, and those impressions can last a very long time, and can wound deeply.

While I am not so naive to think that everyone who reads this will never say another harsh word to anyone else, I would like to think that maybe, everyone who reads this, might not be so quick to lash out verbally at someone. Maybe even, use the little words, to do positive things, because those have just as profound an affect on someone.

My family is in mourning right now, we are trying to heal right now, because of the affects that words have had on one person.

Remember, while there may be a displeasing situation you may be facing in an instance, you never know what someone else is going through at that same moment.

Think and filter before you speak, be soft hearted with your words when you do speak, and remember, it is better to have 2 minds trying to solve a problem (works faster that way), than one person barking what the problem is.

1 comment:

shelby1232 said...

Well said Gail!!! Sorry for your loss. You have been going through so much these past few weeks. If there is anything I can do, let me know.
Love ya,}