Saturday, March 7, 2009

B-day (no, not birthday)

So today I am going to be going for a mammogram. This is something that is given to women beginning between the ages of 35-40, unless there is a cause for concern or a family history of breast cancer.

I have both.

I'll be sure to blog about the experience. And I love how I have such supportive friends and family members, without them I would be a wreck right now.

Don't get me wrong, I'm scared, I'm nervous, and its not about the test, its more about the results.

You see, my mom had breast cancer, the type of cancer she had was bi-lateral, and was a "mirror image" type of cancer that appeared in both of her breasts.

About a month ago, I found a lump, I immediately called my doctor, who examined me that same week, who found a second lump that I did not catch myself, on the exact opposite side on the opposite breast.

That threw up a red flag. I told her I was going to be going to my OB/GYN for a check up soon, and she wanted me to go to her for a second opinion, because it could very well be that I have just "lumpy" breasts. When I went to the second doctor, she confirmed what was felt, and gave me my marching orders.

Today is the day, from the time I scheduled it, to yesterday, I was fine. Kept going day to day, not really worrying about it, but yesterday it hit me hard.

Whatever faith you subscribe to, just keep a good thought, Im sure everything will be fine, but it never hurts for more support.

ALSO, to my friends, please remember to check yourself, remember that breast cancer can also be found in men as well as women.

And if you see or feel anything, make sure you act on it right away, its all about time, its all about early detection.

My mom was lucky, they caught it just in time with her. She was 41, and had a double mastectomy, as well as a lymphectomy (removal of lymph nodes under her arms). She thankfully never had to go through chemo, or go through radiation, and she has been in remission for the past 21 plus years.

Early detection saved her life.

1 comment:

shelby1232 said...

Good morning Gail. I will keep you in my prayers today.
Keep me updated on what happens.

Love ya