Thursday, June 10, 2010

Maaaan... FUNK DAT! Or Blogging Tourettes

I haven't had a ranting blog in a while... Peter Griffith had "what really grinds my gears" Louis Black has himself, then there are the Gods of all rants Denis Leary and Dennis Miller.

My turn...

Some things lately have been really irking the shit out of me... allow me to regale you with a few, just to cleanse my growing disgust with todays society.

I know this is probably gonna piss some people off, and I don't mean any disrespect to anyone.

You know what... FUCK that. I'm saying what I'm feeling.

WTF is up with illegal aliens, who refuse to speak American english when in public. Listen, you are more than happy to take American money for jobs that people who were born here are now fighting for, that actually WANT the jobs, but can not get. You also enjoy the health care, the free education for your children who run wild through stores with no respect for anyone around them, but because you don't want people to listen to your conversation, you INSIST on speaking your native tongue LOUDLY. Oh yeah, and dont think I forgot about how it seems when you do pipe up in english, its usually to complain about what you haven't gotten for free from the TAX PAYERS OF AMERICA.

Next Up...

WTF...If you know someone has a problem with something, that is detrimental to their physical and mental well-being. DO NOT PLACATE AND ENABLE THAT PERSON TO CONTINUE WITH THAT PROBLEM. While your heart may be in the right place, saying NO once in a while will not kill you and may possibly SAVE THEM. When we are born, most of us are taught NO for a reason, not just because our parents would "say so" it was usually followed up by a damn good reason not to do something. Those of you with kids now, even those of your who don't have kids, obviously you don't want to be the bad guy to your kids or your friends or family, but you are doing what is best for them. Why wouldn't you protect the other people you care about in your life the same way?

How 'bout another...

WTF is up with people who walk like their shoes are stuck in quicksand or molasses during morning rush in the train station. Listen tourists, this applies to you. when you are downtown, in a train station during rush hour... and you see there is a virtual river of people around you moving in one direction, take my advice. MOVE TO A SIDE TO FIGURE OUT WHERE YOU HAVE TO GO. Don't just stop right in the middle of the river of people and make everyone stop behind you, cause you just aren't quite sure if you want that coffee from Corner Bakery, or you want to stuff your face with cookies from Mrs. Fields.

Speaking of the rush hour commuters... HEY TRAIN JAGOFFS... when someone has a very heavy bag and your dumb ass is taking up 3 friggin seats, MOVE YOUR SHIT SO SOMEONE CAN SIT DOWN. OH BY THE WAY, no one cares who you are on your crackberry or crackphone with, TAKE IT DOWN A NOTCH SKID ROW... use your inside voice.

HEY YOU... Girl working in a corporate office, I'm sure there is a dress code where you work, I know I have one where I work, and I am sure if all of the ladies I worked with decided to wear a sweater only that comes down to mid thigh, and no pants or skirt or bottom to speak of, there would be memo upon memo about how it is inappropriate unless we worked for Lady GaGa. Are you trying to advertise that you try to use your physicality to get ahead? While going to a bar or a club after work, it may be more appropriate, its not at the workplace. I think there is another profession that does that though. Pardon me while I try to remember what are they called?? Oh yea PROSTITUTES.

you know, I don't by any means think I am more important than anyone else, and I try to be as respectful, mindful and courteous to everyone I encounter... but it truly amazes me how rare it is to find other people like that lately.

I could go on at length, but I really think this is enough for one night.

Talk Hard!

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