Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Tomorrow will be an interesting day.

I've never had surgery before, and to say I am apprehensive about it is an understatement. But I will be there, at the time I am supposed to be (barring traffic).

I'm sure I will be just fine, but took care of everything I needed to take care of "just in case".

For those of you as friends of mine on facebook... watch the wall to see any changes, or if everything went ok... I told someone to post to let people know.

From what I understand I will be in the best possible hospital for this procedure, and will be taken so well cared for. So I got that going for me, which is nice.

I have full faith in my surgeon, my doctors, and my anesthesiologist (and the awesome nurses too).

As much as I have been comforted by everyone, I am still nervous.

To my friends.
You are an amazing group of people. You have stood by my side through this, calmed my fears, made me laugh, made me remember, and I can never thank you enough for that. I am truly blessed to have you all in my life.

To my family.
You keep me fighting, you keep me grounded, and you do not let me fall. I know when I reach out, you are there. I am so thankful for your unconditional love, even when I am difficult, and even though I have been a bit crazy, especially as of late. I would have never made it without you.

To my Mom and Dad.
While I know you're not physically with me, I know you are watching over me, I know you will be with me tomorrow, and through the rest of my days. Your guidance through my life have made me the person I am today, I will always have you in my heart, and my soul. I love you both dearly and miss you always.

Not much left to say... but see you on the flipside.

Love on ya!

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