Sunday, November 14, 2010

So it's sunday, November 14th

On this day in 2003, My family and I decided to take my father off of life support. Wednesday marks the 7th anniversary of his death. Thursday is my mom's birthday. It is safe for you, my lovely reader, to assume that I am not in the best mood. But, I'm actually ok. I am breathing in an out, I am remembering the good times, and the good things about them, and trying to get through it all the best way I know how.

If you know me well, personally, you know that when I'm down, I do things to shake stuff up in my life to adjust the focus. After I do that for a short period of time, I come back down to earth and all is normal again.

I have done a temporary deactivation of my facebook account. Basically just to break free from it for a while. We all had lives before facebook, and we had to work a little harder and actually take the time to connect with people on an active level. At some point, I'm sure I will "virtually" reappear, but just not right now.

I also have started to change myself physically. Back to the gym working out, and I also cut about 5 inches off of my hair, changed the color up a bit, and even I have to get used to it.

It is by no means short, but a lot shorter than I have had it in a very long time, but I think its pretty rockin' if I do say so myself.

Tonight I had the pleasure of meeting one of my best friends' mom for the first time, and it was truly a delightful experience! (SIDE NOTE: hey Mamacita, tell your mom It really was fun, and I hope we can all get together again soon), and I also got to see another of my friends that I havent seen in a while tonight, and you lady, always crack me up!!

It was great to get out for a night, and laugh about nothing and everything all at the same time.

I suppose I am rambling again, and this is really not taking much form tonight. Sorry 'bout that.

Gimme a couple of days, I'll be back to music and concert watch and reviews, as well as maybe a good ole rant blog again. Lord knows the snow will be falling soon, and we all know how my grand neighbors don't like to shovel (HA!)

Talk Hard!

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